This past Sunday we read the story of Lazarus and the rich man . I described this parable as dealing with vision--opening our eyes so see, truly see, the person right in front of us. I talked about how this changed vision can change everything as we begin to see and value others. This morning I got a phone call from a person who I mentor. Kim and I talked about how God was making Godself known in her life in amazing ways. We talked about a vision she had for a ministry in the area in which she lives. We talked about how she might go to her pastor and talk with him about resources, support, and discernment for her vision. What a good conversation! My spirit has been stirring to discern a guiding vision for Auburn Presbyterian. It seems like this is the time and season to begin casting vision . I believe that God is drawing APC in a direction and we are ripe to set out on a journey, but I struggle to give definition to that vision. The thing is, and that link points it out, churches ...