Worship and Sacrifice
Brothers and Sisters-This week the church office is being redone. Actually, there are some workers who are resurfacing our walls. What this means is that right now most everything is moved out of my office and the same with the secretary's office. There is paper all over the floor to keep it covered and just about every flat surface is covered with a fine layer of dust (they're sanding drywall mud). My routine is disrupted! I struggle to get my work done! My patience is nearly at end! ...And then I read the words of Tertullian (third century theologian) that patience is the "highest virtue". The way Tertullian sees this, patience is born out of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which roots our lives in hope and promise. This is a perspective that sees all of life as a journey and we are assured of that journey's end. This patient response to the trials and tribulations of life is very faithful perspective. Practicing the discipline of patience is much more eas...